Day 6 Menopur ,Follistim, Lupron & Ultrasound
Monday, May 21, 2012
I had an ultrasound and blood work done today to see how everything is moving along. So far they said the follicles are similar to my last cycle of IVF. I have 10 follicles on the right and 7 follicle’s on the left.
Potentially all of those follicles should contain one egg each. That is what we are hoping for a high number of eggs so if they all do not make it then there will be enough left over for PGD testing.
The only thing I am feeling different this round is the headaches. I pretty much have one every day and I have been taking tylenol. The nurse stated this is normal since I am being filled with extra estrogen and hormones.
The shots this evening went as planned
Day 5 Menopur ,Follistim & Lupron Day 7 Menopur ,Follistim & Lupron